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© 2000-2025 Art of Expansion

Bringing harmony and self empowerment into being ~ through creativity Art of Expansion

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Lyn Marie Whiteman

Much of my work to date

has been an accumulation of skill sets that enable me to employ many different techniques to assist others on their path, my understanding of art techniques is a platform for the other work  which encapsulates the development of the self through creativity. Even Polarity Therapy has assisted me to understand the elements and how to apply this understanding to life situations. This is the ethos underpinning the ‘Art of Expansion’.

I have been interested in Art and creativity for many years since the 1960’s and it has always been a joy to me. Sharing this with others and seeing the results of released creativity has been very rewarding.

The Spiritual aspect of  my work

was a much later  development from around 1997-8  and a gradual one at that  - during a time of total disillusionment with all that had gone before. This was resolved in part by the  Coaching Course, as to train meant that I had to do the work on myself as well. Hypnotherapy had already played an immense part in my development after reading Positive Thinking , and More Positive Thinking by Vera Pfeiffer, listening to the tapes by Brian Tracey ‘The Psychology of Achievement’, and ‘The Artists Way’ by Julia Cameron all factored in to assist me on my path.  Attending a mediation course with Gill Edwards and reading ‘Living Magically’ and ‘Stepping into the Magic’ and ‘Bliss’ by Gill, I also started meditation, doing Yoga, drumming and dancing.

Many people reach a turning point in their lives where everything comes up for re evaluation and this time came for me as I approached the new Millennium. Life changed beyond all recognition after then and a greater benefit from my new found quality of life ensued. If you want to start  to move towards your goals and would like some support and encouragement along the way then please make your monthly, fortnightly or weekly Life Coaching session.

There is a feeling of a new way of working and different approach to life coming to fruition and the wave of this change is tied up with our understandings on a deeper level of our being.  Knowing that things are starting to change and the change starts with each one of us.

Blissful Music

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