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© 2000-2025 Art of Expansion

Bringing harmony and self empowerment into being ~ through creativity Art of Expansion

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 ‘I went to see Lyn as I was newly qualified in QHHT and wanted to

experience a session for myself. It was an amazing session which

facilitated healing of a painful shoulder, but more interestingly we

went very quickly, very deeply into different aspects of my spiritual

journey.  I had already, over a number of years, experienced

regressive hypnosis, which included simple past life regression and

the Michael Newton Life between Lives regression.  All of which I had

enjoyed and felt contributed to my greater understanding of my/our

place in the universe, but this was an entirely deeper journey.  With

the skilful, loving questioning  directed at me by Lyn we were able

to explore aspects of my previous experiences and aspects of my life

that were concerning me and get extraordinary answers.  I then went

back for another session and the experience deepened again.  I can't

wait to explore further.

Lyn is a wonderfully loving, warm, intelligent facilitator of this

powerful technique.  At all times I felt safe and cared for and I

trusted her to accompany me on this journey.  I  hadn't met Lyn

before our first session only choosing her through the location

section of Dolores website, but I feel that I couldn't

have been luckier to have found her.

 CD from Dorset .

Regression Testimonials

To Book a Session of Polarity / Past Life Regression / Indian Head Massage / Reyad Sekh Em, please contact Lyn by Phone of Email